Mobile Homes

Civil Engineering

JT Engineering has a wealth of knowledge in the field of land development, hydrology and hydraulics. We have been involved in the design of plans for a majority of the new school sites as well as modernization in and around Los Angeles County. Tracts in the Antelope Valley and Santa Clarita areas.

We provide the following Civil Services:

  • Tract Maps
  • Production Plans
  • Demolition Plans
  • Conceptual and Precise Grading Plans
  • Paving Plans
  • Street
  • Sewer
  • Water
  • Storm Drains
  • Erosion Control
  • Street Lighting
  • Traffic Control
  • Striping
  • Map Relocation
  • Take Off Estimates
  • Project Special Provisions
  • Construction Estimates
  • Construction Quality Assurance
  • Capital/Improvement Projects
  • Hydrology Studies
  • Sewer Area Studies
  • Detention and/or Retention Basins

Bathtub Installation

Our core values are the pillars of our success. These values drive our daily decisions.

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Pipe Maintenance

We pride ourselves on offering the most up-to-date and efficient cooling system technologies.

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Sanitary Installation

We have the expertise and the know-how to bring unique solutions to every HVAC need or concern.

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Solder Copper

We work fast and efficiently, never motivated to take a little longer just to kick up our earnings.

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Customer Service is Our #1 Priority

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Trusted expert residential
plumbing & repair.


Commercial plumbing & boiler
services of any kind.


Preventative maintenance and
routine care.

Contact us now to get quote

Contact us now to get quote

Contact Us

27403 Sierra Hwy, Canyon Country, CA 91351

Emergency Service
